Location: Kenya

  • Supporting Digital Skills for Kenyan Students with NairoBits

    Technological Gap in Kenya Jobs in the digital age require technological literacy, but education in digital skills for Kenyan students is lacking. In Kenya, only a small percentage of youth ages 15-24 actively use the internet (32%) and use a computer (15%). For these youth, limited access to technology means limited job prospects and, further,…

    Teachers participating in training. NairoBits Trust provides training in digital skills for Kenyan students.

  • Amplifying Digital Skills in Rural Kenya with Flying Kites

    “Silicon Savanna” Not Reaching Rural Students Kenya’s recent emergence as a hub for technology innovation has earned it the nickname “Silicon Savanna.” Nairobi is buzzing with investment, incubators, computer labs, and training programs. But the road to Silicon Savanna is not yet open to students and families who lack access to digital skills in rural…

    Student using tablet. Flying Kites improves access to training in digital skills in rural Kenya.

  • Four NPOs Engage in Strategic Growth with Deloitte

    In March 2021, Team4Tech implemented strategic growth with Deloitte’s Building Bridges program to support four of Team4Tech’s nonprofit partners with pro bono consulting projects spanning strategy, technology, and human capital.  Specifically, 20 Deloitte professionals: Supported Resilience Programs for Girls and Youth in India with CorStone CorStone develops and provides resilience programs to improve well-being for…

    Girl smiling and pointing at artwork on chalk board

  • Refining an Online Learning Portal for Teachers in Kenya with Dignitas

    Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: Dates flexible Mathare Valley, like many urban informal settlements in Kenya, and one of the largest in East Africa, struggles with extreme overpopulation, disease, and violence, with hundreds of thousands of people living within a three-mile radius. Among some of the community’s most pressing concerns is their inadequate education.…

  • Transforming Primary Education in Rural Kenya with Flying Kites

    Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: Any Dates; April or August preferred The World Bank reports that only 35% of primary school teachers in rural kenya have been given the skills they need to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum they teach. The goal of Flying Kites Teacher Training Center is to help educators ensure that…

  • University Virtual Summer Internship

    During the summer of 2020, Team4Tech partnered with Middlebury College, Dartmouth College, and the University of California at Davis to provide a unique and impactful virtual summer internship for students interested in ed tech. The internship cohort included 17 students who worked with three of our nonprofit partners: the Gashora Girls Academy of Science and…

  • Leveraging Technology to Empower Disadvantaged Youth in Kenya with NairoBits Trust

    Youth aged between 15 to 24 make up 20% of Kenya’s population but are largely disadvantaged in terms of basic human needs, including access to education and skills development in various areas. Overwhelming evidence shows that people with lesser chances to access opportunities are not only often poverty stricken but also reside in worse areas.…

  • Launching a mentoring and teaching program in Rwanda, Kenya, and Malawi

    Goal: Team4Tech partnered with Dartmouth, UC Davis, and Middlebury to provide opportunities for university-level students to meaningfully engage by helping to expand digital learning. Dartmouth College and the University of California, Davis, joined Middlebury College this year in this third year of partnership with Team4Tech to provide immersive service-learning programs for students interested in technology…

  • The Python of Thika – Andrea’s Skills-Based Volunteering Experience in Kenya

    Meet Andrea Ramirez, Research & Development engineer at VMWare, passionate agile practitioner, and soft-spoken, tenacious problem solver who successfully swam from Alcatraz to SF and just took on the Python of Thika. Andrea went to Kenya to expand opportunities for education for children around the world and explore the implications of deploying western technology in…

  • Expanding Educational Opportunities for Children in Kenya

    Volunteering in Kenya with Team4Tech was one of the most profound personal and professional experiences of my life. It was a tremendous privilege to utilize my technical skills to be part of Team4Tech’s vision to expand opportunities for children by improving the quality of education around the globe.