Category: Project Summary
Pivoting to Remote Learning in Rwanda
Goal: Support Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology (GGAST) in Rwanda as they provide students and educational leaders with the tools and information they need to adjust to remote learning in wake of COVID-19. Background: In Rwanda, 97% of girls go to primary school, but less than 34% attend upper secondary school, and then,…
Preparing Youth for Employment with Women in Technology Uganda
Educating girls and women leads to a decrease in social and economic violence, and yet, over 500 million women and girls are illiterate. Women and girls risk being left outside the labor force or trapped in vulnerable or low-quality employment, due to a lack of skills, absence of quality jobs, and gendered expectations of their…
Transforming the Lives of Impoverished Communities with the Cambodian Children’s Fund
The people of Cambodia battle intense poverty, homelessness, malnutrition, and lack of basic healthcare. 20% of Cambodian citizens live below the poverty line, with much of the rest of the population hovering just above. Millions still struggle with limited access to various necessities, including education. In the Steung Meanchey garbage dump in Phnom Penh, children…
Inspiring a Generation of Female Leaders in Rwanda with Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology
Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: July to August or early to mid-December According to 2012 to 2014 statistics from the Ministry of Education, out of the 13,557 primary students enrolled in technical training institutions in Rwanda, only 39.3% were girls. The representation is even lower in universities, at 33.35%, due to lower levels girls…
Advancing Quality Schooling in India with Learning Links Foundation
Project type: Virtual or On-site (Day of Service/Short-term available) When: Any Dates Although the education system, especially with regards to access, has significantly improved, the quality of education and attainment of grade-level competencies continues to be a serious cause of concern in India. The 2015 Indian National Achievement Survey showed that over 50% of grade…
Fostering Entrepreneurial Development with EntreEd
Project Type: Virtual When: Flexible “In this age of educational accountability through standards and assessments with only one right answer and success measured by test scores, we need to keep young minds open for alternative ways of thinking…teach students not to get a job, but create one.” — Dr. Gene Coulson Executive Director, The Consortium…
Capacity Building for Rainforest Conservation: 2020 Project
The Rainforest Trust Brings Conservation Non-Profits Together DocuSign employees designed and delivered capacity-building workshops to Rainforest Trust’s NGO partners working to protect critical ecosystems around the world. Since 1988, Rainforest Trust has protected more than 24 million acres of tropical habitat across Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. They plan to protect an additional…
Supporting Unemployed College Graduates with COOP
Project type: Virtual/short term When: January to mid-March or mid-June to late August Nationwide, half of college grads (ages 21-27) are unemployed or underemployed, including more than two thirds of black college grads. Even in the digital economy, a bachelor’s degree is not enough. We need social capital—connections, casual favors, timely referrals—as much as we…