Person Type: Board of Directors

  • Tim Brady

    Tim Brady spent six years as a partner at Ycombinator, an accelerator program for startups. Tim spent an additional six years as Managing Partner at Imagine K12, an accelerator program dedicated to education technology startups. Prior to Imagine K12, Brady was the CEO of QuestBridge, an organization dedicated to helping bright low-income students attend the nation’s most selective colleges. Before QuestBridge, Brady spent…

    Tim Brady headshot

  • Shravanti Chakraborty

    Shravanti Chakraborty Shrav is a management consultant and executive coach, who is passionate about empowering underrepresented communities via access to education. She is an expert at scaling organizations, and has 20+ years of experience leading people functions at Google, Dell, and during phases of rapid growth and change. As co-founder of People Runway, Shrav…

    Headshot of Shravanti Chakraborty, member of Team4Tech's Board of Directors

  • Claudio Sassaki 

    Claudio Sassaki  Claudio Sassaki is currently an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Before that, he was the Co-Founder and CEO of Geekie, an edtech company in Brazil that pioneered ground-breaking, real time data-based learning systems. Sassaki has worked extensively with students, teachers, schools and districts to design and implement personalized learning strategies.…

    Headshot for Claudio Sassaki, member of Team4Tech's Board of Directors

  • Jennifer Cotter Otieno

    Co-founder and CEO, EdTech East Africa

  • Diane Honda

    Diane Honda Diane serves on the Board and Compensation Committee of the Hillman Group (Nasdaq: HLMN), a leading provider of retail building solutions, and on the Board and Audit Committee of Lucidworks, Inc., a provider of next-generation AI-powered search applications, with a focus on governance, cybersecurity, and human capital matters. Diane previously served on the…

  • Srilatha Raghavan

    Board Member & Advisor, Angel Investor, Ex-Meta, Ex-IBM

  • Dr. Paul Kim

    Chief Technology Officer & Associate Dean, Stanford

  • Paula Mariwala

    Founding Partner, Aureolis Ventures

  • Vikas Pota

    Founder of T4 Education

  • John Solomon

    Vice President, Chrome OS at Google