Project Type: Workforce Development

  • Professional Development in India with Learning Links Foundation

    Improving Education Quality through Teacher Training Even though access to education in India has improved, quality remains a concern. According to 2015 statistics, only 16% of Grade 10 students are at grade level in math and over half read below grade level. Subpar education means limited job prospects — only 2.3% of the Indian workforce…

    Child making art. Learning Links Foundation supports students and teachers through professional development opportunities in India.

  • Amplifying Digital Skills in Rural Kenya with Flying Kites

    “Silicon Savanna” Not Reaching Rural Students Kenya’s recent emergence as a hub for technology innovation has earned it the nickname “Silicon Savanna.” Nairobi is buzzing with investment, incubators, computer labs, and training programs. But the road to Silicon Savanna is not yet open to students and families who lack access to digital skills in rural…

    Student using tablet. Flying Kites improves access to training in digital skills in rural Kenya.

  • Supporting Technology Skills in Cambodia with PEPY

    Bridging a Technology Gap for Cambodian Students Rural Cambodian youth have few income opportunities outside of construction, agriculture, or migrating to Thailand. As a result, education is undervalued and drop out rates are high, causing the cycle of poverty to repeat.  The impact of Covid-19, however, only worsened the situation with many Cambodian youth losing…

    Two students pose at graduation. PEPY Empowering Youth offers training in literacy and technology skills in Cambodia.

  • Four NPOs Engage in Strategic Growth with Deloitte

    In March 2021, Team4Tech implemented strategic growth with Deloitte’s Building Bridges program to support four of Team4Tech’s nonprofit partners with pro bono consulting projects spanning strategy, technology, and human capital.  Specifically, 20 Deloitte professionals: Supported Resilience Programs for Girls and Youth in India with CorStone CorStone develops and provides resilience programs to improve well-being for…

    Girl smiling and pointing at artwork on chalk board

  • Technology Skills for Women in Uganda: 2019 WITU Project

    WITU Empowers Women to Learn Technical Skills 74% of Ugandans between the ages of 15-25 are unemployed. The majority of them are young women who have either dropped out of school due to poverty or lack digital skills for better jobs because public schools do not use technology for instruction and learning. Women in Technology…

    four women pose with computer hardware participating in technology skills for women in Uganda

  • Empowering Marginalized Communities of Malawi with Centre for Youth and Development

    Malawi has one of the highest poverty rates in the world; about 12 million Malawians live on less than $1.25 a day. These devastating circumstances leave many with food shortages, health concerns, and minimal access to education. Out of their population of nearly 16 million, only 65.8% will learn to read and write by the…

  • Refining an Online Learning Portal for Teachers in Kenya with Dignitas

    Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: Dates flexible Mathare Valley, like many urban informal settlements in Kenya, and one of the largest in East Africa, struggles with extreme overpopulation, disease, and violence, with hundreds of thousands of people living within a three-mile radius. Among some of the community’s most pressing concerns is their inadequate education.…

  • Curbing Poverty through Digital Literacy in Liberia with EduCare

    Local solutions are fundamental so solving local problems. By engaging directly at the local level, EduCare puts the power back in the hands of those working on the front lines of national development in their own local communities. EduCare uses the tools of human and economic capacity building to foster the emergence of a regenerated…

    Hands together in a huddle

  • University Virtual Summer Internship

    During the summer of 2020, Team4Tech partnered with Middlebury College, Dartmouth College, and the University of California at Davis to provide a unique and impactful virtual summer internship for students interested in ed tech. The internship cohort included 17 students who worked with three of our nonprofit partners: the Gashora Girls Academy of Science and…

  • Leveraging Technology to Empower Disadvantaged Youth in Kenya with NairoBits Trust

    Youth aged between 15 to 24 make up 20% of Kenya’s population but are largely disadvantaged in terms of basic human needs, including access to education and skills development in various areas. Overwhelming evidence shows that people with lesser chances to access opportunities are not only often poverty stricken but also reside in worse areas.…