Category: Unmatched Projects

  • Refining an Online Learning Portal for Teachers in Kenya with Dignitas

    Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: Dates flexible Mathare Valley, like many urban informal settlements in Kenya, and one of the largest in East Africa, struggles with extreme overpopulation, disease, and violence, with hundreds of thousands of people living within a three-mile radius. Among some of the community’s most pressing concerns is their inadequate education.…

  • Transforming Educational Outcomes in Uganda with Inspiring Teachers

    Project Type: Virtual or On-site When: February-April Preferred; September-December Every child has the right to quality education and every teacher deserves the support to keep getting better. Teachers make 3x more impact than any other factor in schools and great teaching can overpower inequity. Today, in low-resource settings, most teachers don’t get the support they…

    People looking at paper together

  • Cultivating Enriching Childhoods in India with Dost Education

    Project type: Virtual or On-Site (Day of Service/Short-term available) When: April to September All parents are motivated to give their children the best education, but many resource-constrained families struggle to do so. Children with parents of low literacy levels have a 72% chance of being at the lowest reading level themselves. Unfortunately, it is extremely…

    Boy student