Piloting maker activities at a new innovation lab in Vietnam

Goal: Support Kidspire in developing new maker activities and spaces.

Partner: Kidspire Vietnam is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help children living in orphanages build skills for productive employment after they leave the orphanages when they turn 18. Kidspire Vietnam’s innovative program features a student-centered learning environment and a curriculum focused on coding, circuitry, and robotics. Their program has drastically increased the children’s engagement and interest in learning and career readiness.

Project: For this project, a team of employee volunteers from Cadence collaborated with Kidspire Vietnam’s staff to support their Maker activities at a new innovation center and build digital portfolios piloted in their leadership academy (Lead VN) for their older students and graduates.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la4aBkjinjY