Location: Ghana

  • Africa ICT Right

  • Supporting Digital Reading in Ghana with Worldreader

    Worldreader Addresses Child Literacy Rates 53 percent of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read and understand a simple story by the end of primary school. The Covid-19 pandemic has further worsened educational inequalities worldwide. Worldreader is a nonprofit organization that brings high-quality, affordable digital learning to children and youth in under-resourced communities. Team4Tech…


  • Scaling a Digital Literacy Program in Ghana with NetApp

    Goal: Worldreader will have the resources to replicate, enhance, and sustain its digital reading programs such as the Ghana District Scale project. Background: 82 percent of the world’s learners are not in school because of COVID-19. To address this urgent need, Worldreader accelerated the release of its new app for school-age children, BookSmart, which features…