Category: Project Summary

  • Scaling a Digital Literacy Program in Ghana with NetApp

    Goal: Worldreader will have the resources to replicate, enhance, and sustain its digital reading programs such as the Ghana District Scale project. Background: 82 percent of the world’s learners are not in school because of COVID-19. To address this urgent need, Worldreader accelerated the release of its new app for school-age children, BookSmart, which features…

  • Developing a Coding Curriculum in Bulgaria

    Goal: Develop a comprehensive curriculum for Micro:bit (donating 900 Micro:bits) and MIT App Inventor Background: Coding is rapidly becoming the most important universal language. Across the world, students are encouraged to learn how to code from an early age and in Bulgaria, programming became an official part of the third-grade curriculum. The CoderDojo Foundation was…

  • Supporting the Digital Leap in Montana

    Background: Taking the digital leap is particularly challenging in rural school districts that have limited resources, limited access to broad technical expertise, and limited access to high-quality professional development. Team4Tech partnered with the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) to offer professional development to teachers and support for technology leaders in rural school districts in accelerating…

  • Implementing STEM Technology in Vietnam

    Goal: Enhance technology usage with Kidspire programs Project: In November 2018, Team4Tech supported Kidspire Vietnam through 10 Pure Storage employee volunteers. During the two week visit to Vietnam, the volunteers were able to implement new technology to help Kidspire teachers and students. Video:

  • Providing IT and Technology Resources for Schools in Alaska

    The Yukon-Koyukuk School District (YKSD) encompasses nearly 65,000 square miles and serves ten villages, of which eight villages can only be reached by air or river travel. 85% of its students are home schooled and the district faces high teacher turnover (30 – 50%), high internet costs ($16k per month per site), and cultural differences…

  • Improving water stations in schools in Ethiopia

    Goal: T4T wants to support Splash’s initiatives toward accessible WASH through the use of technology and the creation of a manual for handwashing stations. Background: Unsafe drinking water and a lack of water or soap for handwashing are responsible for 2.2 million deaths each year, 90% of whom are children. Given rapid population growth and…

  • Advancing Media Design Skills in Cambodia

    Goal: Advance media design skills with CCF in Cambodia. Background: At the Steung Meanchey garbage dump in Cambodia, hundreds of children use to scavenge through garbage or beg on the streets to survive. The garbage dump was closed in 2009 but this community continues to live in extreme poverty. Partner: Since 2004, the Cambodian Children’s…

  • Building Capacity for Leadership and Growth

    Pure Storage employees built capacity for Kidspire’s staff as leaders in Vietnam through a virtual mentorship. Background: 168,000 children in Vietnam are orphans or have been abandoned. Many spend most of their childhood years in government facilities. Few of these children graduate with basic computing skills, greatly limiting their employment options, and even fewer go…

  • Introducing digital design to women entrepreneurs in Uganda

    Goal: Team4Tech is introducing programs on graphic design, video editing, and digital design in coordination with WITU. Background: Over 60% of the population in Uganda is below the age of 30, and 74% of Ugandans between the ages of 15-25 are unemployed. The majority of them are young women who have either dropped out of…

    four women pose with computer hardware participating in technology skills for women in Uganda

  • Launching a robotics club in South Africa

    Goal: T4T work setting up a new maker space and IT systems and training teachers on technology usage will help establish the LEAP 4 School and set it up for future successes.   Background: In South Africa, the education system is estimated to produce just one university graduate for every 100 children who start Grade…