Category: Project Summary
Team4Tech and Autodesk Return to South Africa to Advance 21st Century Skills in the Classroom Teams to Further Integrate Design and Technology for Teachers and Students
SAN FRANCISCO, April 4, 2016 — Team4Tech and Autodesk announced today that a new team of staff and volunteers will return to South Africa this April to implement tailored training and technology solutions for teachers and students from the Kayamandi Township. In partnership with the Greater Stellenbosch Development Trust (GSDT), 10 international volunteers will provide 45 hours of tailored coaching for 30…
Building Digital Literacy Among Girls and Teachers in India
In total, we spent 54 workshop hours with 14 teachers and coordinators from CARE India and Udaan schools from three states. The immediate beneficiaries of the project will be the 100 girls Udaan Hardoi admits annually. However, the number of potential beneficiaries is over 16,000 learners, as the teachers and coordinators we trained from the…
VMware Volunteers Share what the Project Taught them about Leadership
Nine VMware employees traveled to Diepsloot Township near Johannesburg South Africa in July 2015 to work alongside teachers of LEAP Science and Math Schools. Their project was to inspire the next generation with classroom technology. Each volunteer reflected on what the trek taught them about leadership. Read more about it on the VMware RADIUS blog and follow the VMware Careers…
Reflecting on Monique’s Tanzania experience
Monique Edmondson, a Cisco volunteer on the Tanzania project in August 2015, kept a fantastic daily blog while in-country. The following is an excerpt from one of her posts, and the complete blog can be found here.
Reflecting on the Wrap-up of the Kayamandi Project
As we wrapped up our August project in Kayamandi, near Stellenbosch South Africa, we had a closing celebration with our hosts and teachers. There we recognized the teachers’ accomplishments and were treated with a wonderful performance from the school choir. And we heard this thank you message from Ms. Incosi Kakulu of the Makupula High…
Generating Excitement with Tinkercad in South Africa
Sarah O’Rourke, Senior Product Marketing Manager for the Consumer and 3D Printing at Autodesk, was one of our recent volunteers for the Stellenbosch, South Africa August 2015 project. She is wonderful with kids, brought suitcases worth of 3D printed pieces and circuit training boards for the teachers and kids to experiment with, and even donated…
Advancing Teaching and Learning at Diepsloot township in Johannesburg
On Sun Jul 26, 13 VMware trekkers said our good-byes to one another and to the students and teachers at LEAP Science and Maths School in Diepsloot, Johannesburg, South Africa. This was my first project after joining Team4Tech in April 2015, and it was life-changing.
Learning to Develop and Expand Businesses in Brazil
After spending two weeks working with entrepreneurs in Brazil, I met 6 amazing people who each had an interesting story that inspired me. They covered a range of businesses from the most traditional (retail), to digital (fitness app developer), to the more unique (camping tent remodeling). Each had a story and dream that they believed…
Enterprising Small Business Entrepreneurs in Brazil
A hug? Are you kidding me, a small business owner just gave me a hug. After spending two days with him covering business model canvasses, marketing fundamentals, innovation design and financial sustainability, he gave me a hug. He and I became friends, I became a coach, and he became an inspiration. He so appreciated the…
Extending Design Thinking to Education in Vietnam
Stanford University’s is considered one of the most innovative educational institutions out there, with its core philosophy of Design Thinking. As an undergraduate from Stanford’s Product Design program, I spent four years studying Design Thinking in the context of product design for both developed and developing markets. So, what does this Silicon-Valley-born methodology have to do…