Introducing Box Technology in South Africa

Goal: to teach educators in Langa how to use Box for the bulk of their file storage needs and provide continued support

Partner: The LEAP Schools are dedicated to providing student-centered, math and science-focused education to economically disadvantaged students from grades 8 to 12. As part of their model, they have established Learning Centers (or tutoring centers) to work with primary-school students who will become the pipeline for their high schools.

Project: Team4Tech volunteers partnered with the US-based NGO, Teach with Africa, and the LEAP Science and Math Schools in Cape Town, South Africa. This project focused on introducing technology to a new Learning Center in the Langa township and on training the 24 Learning Center tutors how to use technology to advance their science and math teaching. More details about their project and photos: Learning Center Computer Lab for STEM Education | Teach with Africa; Leap Schools, South Africa, August 9-23, 2014