Author: Team4Tech News

  • Skilled Volunteers Recommend Data Solutions for Learners in Rural India

    Over the past 3 months, Team4Tech connected a team of 15 skilled volunteers from Adobe’s EMEA offices to collaborate with staff from Reach To Teach (RTT), a nonprofit in India whose mission is to make learning more joyful. The assembled project team co-designed technology solutions addressing critical constraints to access and connectivity in Arunachal Pradesh,…

  • Employee Volunteers From Zendesk Impact Learners In South Africa and India

    Continued Corporate Social Impact with a Valued Partner Zendesk, a company providing software-as-a-service products, is a Team4Tech corporate partner, supporting our work accelerating impact for education-focused NGOs. Since their first engagement with Team4Tech in 2021, Zendesk employee volunteers have contributed to meaningful social impact through many exciting projects all over the world, including: In 2023,…

  • Developing Curricula for Students in a Rural Maasai Community in Tanzania with Employee Volunteers

    Employee volunteers from Barracuda Networks joined Team4Tech staff for another transformative virtual project driving positive change for learners in Tanzania. In a rural Maasai community in northwest Tanzania, 78% of households live below the poverty line of $1.25/day, and girls and women face severe gender discrimination. Orkeeswa, an education nonprofit and Team4Tech NGO partner, serves…

  • Bolstering Organizational Capacity to Better Serve Indian Youth

    Inner Development for Youth in Underserved Communities In Bihar, one of India’s most historically impoverished states, high poverty rates have dire implications for marginalized groups—like women and girls. With limited access to education and economic opportunities, many young girls marry and have children before the age of 18.  WorldBeing (formerly CorStone) is an NGO delivering…

    Virtual volunteers smile in online meeting as they helped build organizational capacity to support NGO work on inner development for youth in underserved areas

  • Skilled Volunteers Transform Learner Career Pathways in Rural Indian Communities

    Connecting Learners to Career Opportunities While 97% of students are enrolled in primary schools in India, only 27% ultimately enroll in higher education, and of that percentage, just 50% of graduates are considered employable*. Learning Links Foundation (LLF), an India-based nonprofit, addresses this issue by working with students in grades 9-12 from under-resourced government schools…

  • Empowering Ugandan Learners Through an Impactful Volunteer Experience

    We welcome Michael Brazinski (Program Coordinator) from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies as our guest blogger this week. In this blog, Michael shares more about his impactful volunteer experience on location in Uganda. This summer, Team4Tech partnered with Middlebury College and two nonprofit organizations in Uganda, the African SOUP and S.O.U.L. Foundation, for an…

  • Corporate Philanthropy Impacts Education in Kolkata, India

    The power of corporate philanthropy to drive impactful change is evident as skilled volunteers from Adobe completed two pro bono projects to support Ek Tara, an education-focused nonprofit working throughout Kolkata, India. Adobe’s corporate philanthropy seamlessly aligns with Team4Tech’s impactful employee volunteering programs. Together, they enact two of Adobe’s corporate social responsibility pillars, including: The…

    Corporate Philanthropy Impacts Education in Kolkata, India

  • Corporate Volunteers from Cadence Support Education Transformation in India

    A team of ten corporate volunteers from Cadence Design Systems joined a strategic pro bono project to support Barefoot College International (BCI). At Team4Tech, our flagship strategic pro bono program engages a team of 10-15 employees in a capacity-building project to support education-focused nonprofit organizations and their staff. The highly skilled Team4Tech Program Directors deliver…

    Corporate Volunteers Support Education Transformation in India

  • Skilled Volunteers in Brazil Accelerate Impact through Zendesk’s Global Impact

    The program team at Team4Tech facilitated a Design for Impact program with Zendesk to connect skilled volunteers in Brazil (via Zendesk Brazil) with Projeto Amigos das Criancas (PAC). PAC is an education-focused nonprofit organization that operates in low-income communities, serving over 1,000 children and their families who grapple with limited access to education, healthcare, and…

  • Providing IT and Technology Resources for Schools in Alaska

    The Yukon-Koyukuk School District (YKSD) encompasses nearly 65,000 square miles and serves ten villages, of which eight villages can only be reached by air or river travel. 85% of its students are home schooled and the district faces high teacher turnover (30 – 50%), high internet costs ($16k per month per site), and cultural differences…