Digital Literacy in Uganda with Far Away Friends

The Poverty Cycle in Rural Uganda

While talent is distributed equally, opportunity is not. For children growing up in rural Uganda, where 75% of children will not continue onto high school, and 1 in 4 girls will become pregnant by age 19, this harsh reality keeps children locked in cycles of generational poverty.

The Importance of Digital Literacy

Far Away Friends exists to equip youth in rural communities with the tools to break cycles of poverty forever. They opened their first-rate primary school called the Global Leaders Day & Boarding Primary (GLP) in 2016 as a way to address the lack of quality primary education in rural areas of Amolatar District.

Team4Tech Supports a Digital Learning Lab

Far Away Friends believes that every child deserves access to the tools they need to achieve their biggest dreams, no matter how far they live. Familiarity with technology, particularly computer literacy, are essential skills in 2022 that children from places like rural Amolatar, Uganda do not have the opportunity to gain these skills.

Road to the Digital World

Through a partnership with Team4Tech, they intend to equip students, teachers, and community members with basic digital literacy skills by developing a digital learning lab and tech resource center at Global Leaders Primary School (GLP). This resource center, equipped with laptop computers, a projector, and commercial printers, will be accessible to the entire student body at GLP (500 students) and teaching staff (30).

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